If you’re wondering about what a denture reline is, you’ve come to the right place. This article has all you need to know about the subject. Let’s start simply by defining dentures.
What is a Denture?
A denture is an artificial device designed and built to replace missing teeth. For a denture to be functional, it must be supported by soft and hard tissues in the surrounding oral cavity where it is placed or implanted. Most dentures are removable. However, some designs require clasping or bonding onto the teeth or dental implant.
Whether removable or not, a denture is subject to wear and tear from bite force and is prone to become loose with time. They are often produced out of acrylic, porcelain, or a rigid plastic polymer that can crack. This is where denture reline comes in.
What is a Denture Reline?
A denture reline is a medical procedure that reshapes the surface of a denture that rests against your gums to make it fit your mouth. In other words, a denture relines makes loose dentures fit.
When Do I Need a Denture Recline?
If you exhibit any of these symptoms, you likely need a denture recline. However, you need to consult your denture care provider to be sure.
Generally, if you experience discomfort while using your denture while eating or talking, it is possible that you need a denture reline. Other symptoms are slipping dentures, slurred speech, and sudden difficulty eating food.
What Happens If I Exhibit These Symptoms But Don’t Seek Help
The probable complications that may arise from having loose-fitting dentures are irritation, fungal infection, tissue overgrowth, ulcers, food trap, and plaque.
Types of Denture Relines
There are three types of denture reline treatment available: soft, hard and temporary.
The soft denture reline is a temporary denture realignment procedure. The process is ideal for patients who maybe have new dentures and are experiencing tender gums.
Hard denture relines are more permanent denture realignment. The process is ideal for patients who haven’t had their dentures checked in a long time.
The temporary denture reline solution makes use of temporary dentures that are made of medicated materials that ease gum swelling. They are often recommended to patients that are experiencing pain and raised gum. These patients have to have had the same dentures for many years.
Tooth loss, whether wholly or partially, can be a horrific experience for dental patients, particularly the older ones. It can impact food consumption, speech, and confidence significantly. However, with well-fitting dentures, you can dramatically improve in these areas.
Due to wear and tear, improper care, cleaning, or handling, dentures can become loose. When this happens, you need a denture reline to ensure comfort and confidence. In some cases, you might need replacement. It all entirely depends on your denture care expert to decide for you. In any case, make sure you visit him or her at the slightest discomfort from your denture.